Après un diplôme de bijoutier-créateur à l’AFEDAP (Paris), Clémentine DESPOCQ obtient un bachelor design bijou et accessoires à la HEAD Genève (Suisse) qui lui permettra d’exposer son travail de bijoutière-plasticienne notamment au salon de Montrouge et d’entrer en résidence à la Villa Suzy Solidor.
Son travail questionne le corps, autant comme support que comme matière à créer.
After her jeweller-designer diploma from AFEDAP school in Paris (France), Clémentine DESPOCQ obtains a jewelry & accessory design bachelor degree at HEAD school in Geneva (Switzerland), which has enabled her to exhibit her work as a visual artist ; she has been selected to exhibit at the Salon de Montrouge (Paris, France), and has been awarded a residency at Villa Solidor à Cagnes-sur-mer (France).
Her work questions the body, as medium as well as creative matter.